Wednesday, July 26, 2017



                                    NORM & BRUCE

On May 9, 2016, Bruce and I headed for the lower entrance of Glen Oak Park where a historic statue of Robert G. Ingersoll has stood since 1911.  In other articles I have billed Ingersoll as the most famous person ever to have lived in Peoria, Illinois.  Most people disagree and chose Richard Prior, which is fine, but I really doubt they ever heard of Robert Ingersoll. He was arguably the greatest orator America ever produced, and we have had some great ones.  Bruce took a lot of photographs as a crew of men dismantled the old relic and put it in a van for a trip to Philadelphia.  There it will be refurbished and returned to its old pedestal to stand perhaps another hundred years.

I had been contacted by some people from Milwaukee, Wisconsin because I had written about Ingersoll a few times.  They told me that they had managed to collect over $30,000.00 for the project and had discussed their plans with the Peoria Park Board.  They offered to pay to have the statute removed, rehabbed and returned. Now how could the park district refuse such an offer?  I mean free is free; right? The controversy which was stirred up surrounded the group and what they represented.  The official at the Park Board told me that the agreement was to allow the donor’s names to be on the plaque that was to be attached to the Ingersoll monument.    There are people that were upset with this group because they were members of FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION. If you know nothing of them I would hope that you Google them and find out for yourself.  Do the people of this city want the name of the FFRF on a statue that belongs to local taxpayers?  If you care one way or the other let the Peoria Park District members hear from you.  Bruce and I hope to be there when the statue is put back in place and I hope the park district has a rededication ceremony.  We will be there.

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